Sunday, September 30, 2018


Be very glad you weren't a soldier in 1918

About 100 years ago an influenza mutated to initiate what now is called N1H1 flu virus.  In about three years H1N1 managed to kill about 50 million people world-wide, or approximately three times as many as died in WW1, which was going on at the same time.  H1N1 probably was born somewhere in central Kansas, although alternative theories exist.  What became known (erroneously) as the Spanish Flu spread  like lightening throughout the world largely because of the war; large masses of men crowded together under less than sanitary conditions provide an ideal field of battle for an ill-intentioned virus.  Almost every community in the United States was affected, with up to 10% moralities.  In the early 20th century the only defense against a pandemic was quarantine.  Lake City. Colorado escaped entirely by the somewhat brutal expedient of placing guys with shotguns at all entrances to the town.

Well, anyway, The Economist magazine contains an interesting article on the Spanish Flu.  Here it is:

By coincidence, I have just finished reading a book on the same subject: The Great Influenza, by John M. Barry.  You can buy it for next to nothing at Abebooks.  It is mildly absorbing and will teach you a lot about viruses and pandemics, but in general I don’t recommend it.  For me, its over-arching theme is the invincible stupidity of the U.S. federal bureaucracy. I sure hope things are better now.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


For a very long time I have been distressingly prone to leaving my credit card behind after a transaction.  I can’t count the number of restaurants I have had to phone:  “Ah, I had dinner at your place last night, and I think I left my credit card behind.  Would you look, please?  The name is Beck”.  I have been told many times, by my wife, my sister in law,  my three daughters, and even total strangers to “Put your credit card away BEFORE you sign the slip.”  I have become pretty good at doing just that; I haven’t left a credit card on the table in several years.  Now, however, I seem to have developed an even more  pernicious  habit – I dutifully put my credit card in my wallet – and then leave the WALLET behind on the table!  I have done that several times in the past few months.  I did it again this morning, meaning that Karen will have to take ME to dinner, rather than the other way around!  (Not really:  I have cash stashed in the sock drawer.)

I need a full time caretaker.

Friday, September 21, 2018


Nearly two years ago the Lord visited upon me a plague of houseflies:

Well, I must have sinned again, because He has seen fit to do it again, this time with fruit flies.  An alternative explanation is that on their recent visit my fruit-deprived Alaskan relatives bought carloads of fresh fruit, but didn’t get it all consumed.  Some has been lingering on the kitchen counter for days.

Anyway, I have stumbled on an effective weapon against fruit flies – the Greyhound.  A Greyhound is a drink consisting of one part ice, one part vodka, and two parts grapefruit juice.  I have one or two most nights.

Well, it turns out that fruit flies are avid little alcoholics.  Invariably I leave my Greyhound glass sitting around somewhere, with a tiny bit of fluid at the bottom.  And, the next morning, I find the glass black with dead and dying fruit flies!  I have made serious progress fighting the fruit fly menace, using dirt-cheap vodka.  Getting rid of the rotting fruit helped.