Two things I love most in this world
While Linda
was alive she goaded me into writing fairly elaborate Christmas newsletters,
but now that she is gone I have let the practice slip. I have received so many welcome
communications this season, however, that I want to toss off a note of my
own. I will post it on my Frivolities blog, and also email it to
family and close friends. So, anyway: Merry Christmas & a Happy New-Year!
I guess I am
doing pretty well, in view of the fact that I am 85 years old. My brain seems to be holding up fairly well,
but my body is rapidly succumbing to entropy, lapsing into a state of
disorganized, non-functional ruin. I
want to avoid darkening your day, so suffice it to say that I use a walker most
of the timer, swallow five prescription pills daily (his does not Include pain pills),
and am on a first-name basis with half the medicos in town. Nevertheless, . . . .
I spent a
few weeks in Borrego Springs last winter, traveled to Wisconsin to visit Linda
and Paul Kelly and to Cordova to see the bulk of my family. Carolyn, Linda’s sister, and her son and
family, visited during the summer, and we had a good time exploring San Juan
Island. Late summer Karen, Carolyn and I
took a great trip on the St. Lawrence River, from Quebec to Kingston,
Ontario. And I continued to play golf pretty much
weekly, although the way I “play” golf these days involves nothing you could
call real exercise! Of course, my Friday
happy hour with the gang goes on.
During 2018
I have kept my blogs fairly active. My
serious blog has captured the attention of internet trolling ventures located
in several unlikely countries, thereby bloating my “hits” count to a preposterous
56,000. I take pleasure in the fact that
30,000 of them are from places that actually speak English. My Frivolities blog accumulates far fewer
hits, but most of them are genuine.
So I guess
that’s it. To end as usual: my monkey
puzzle tree is ever more magnificent, my ginkgo is prospering, and my cat is
hope you have a wonderful 2019.