Somewhere in
the Bible occur the words “Go forth, be fruitful and multiply”. Elsewhere in the same Book we are informed
that “the meek will inherit the Earth”.
Well, not so far. We (Homo sapiens) have until now dominated,
if not inherited, the earth, but we are far from meek, especially as observed
from the standpoint of other species.
Now, as very often previously, we are smack up against a biological
entity that would like to exterminate us. Not with our new coronavirus virus, nor with its earlier cousins, has the virus kingdom come close to eliminating
humanity, but it is possible to imagine such an event. But in no way can any virus inherit the earth; a virus absolutely requires foreign biological cells to reproduce. That’s right: viruses don’t have sex, and
they don’t have babies. So if in the
future an uber virus managed to kill
all of us, and all the animals besides, it would thereby absolutely doom itself
to extinction! And then the plant
kingdom would survive and inherit the earth.
Or are there
viruses that attack plants?