Saturday, December 10, 2016


You probably know the old gospel song that goes something like this: “Go down Moses, Go down Moses, Go on down to Egypt land.  Tell old Pharaoh; tell old Pharaoh, LET MY PEOPLE GO!”   In the event, old Pharaoh capitulated, after Moses unleashed ten plagues of increasing severity, and the Children of Israel began their long journey through the Wilderness.

Well, would someone please inform God that I am not any kind of Pharaoh, that I have no people to release – and that I sure would appreciate it if He withdrew the Plague of Flies He has visited upon me, for whatever sins I cannot guess.  He doesn’t seem to be paying attention to me. 

It goes like this.  It has been cold but sunny for several days (now, however, it is cold and snowy).  Three days ago I came into the kitchen to find a window nearly obscured by at least 100 smallish house flies.  They were lethargic, barely crawling around – so I swatted the lot and vacuumed up the corpses.  Later that same day I returned to that window, and found it again thick with flies.  Again I swatted & disposed of the bodies.  Within a few hours the window was again rife with moscas.  And so it has gone, for three days.  I am making progress, however – this morning there were only a dozen to kill.  But twelve is about fourteen too many.

So, would somebody tell me what is going on?  There are no dead animals lying about, nor conspicuous piles of rotting food.  I take out the garbage fairly regularly.  My cat is clean.  It is almost winter, surely not prime housefly breeding season.  Yet still they come; dozens and dozens of diminutive crawly things, easy to kill but seemingly impossible to eradicate.  Not fun,  at all. 

To make matters worse, some of the little bastards apparently escape the fly swatter and grow into full-fledged annoying houseflies, of the hard-to-kill variety.  For instance, two of them took a fancy to my TV screen last night.  You have no idea how hard it is to absorb what Katty Kay (BBC World News America) is trying to tell you about Aleppo when a fly is attempting to crawl up her nose!  Nor how hard it is to write a blog with a buzzing nuisance apparently fixated on your right ear!!


1 comment:

  1. I still have flies. Not as many, but lots. Also lots of fly corpses on every flat surface. This is getting ridiculous.
