Thursday, August 16, 2018


Google keeps track of the countries from which my “hits” originate.  So far the total is 95 – out of 196 sovereign nations on this earth.  Most lacking are hits from Central America and West Africa.  By far the majority are from the U.S., of course, but Russia, Italy and Spain rack up enough to convince me that they are trolling the blogosphere, searching for – what?  Hilary’s emails?  A way to blot out the Donald’s Tweets?  When the stock market will collapse?  Will the Dem Progressives manage to abolish capitalism?  I sure don't have a clue.

 ‘Tis a puzzlement!

But I have just been notified of a hit from an intriguing source.  Google characterizes it as “Unknown Region”.  Doubtless Google knows every tiny earthly nick and cranny – so this Unknown Region must, logically, be outer space.  I have arrived:
E.T. is reading my blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Well, ET has clearly been talking to his buddies, because I keep getting a few hits/day from "Unknown Region". Now they seem to have formed a club or something, because today I had 19 hits so far! Pretty exciting!
