Saturday, April 6, 2019


Apollo 11

I have just returned from our local highbrow-artsy theatre, where I saw the movie/documentary Apollo 11.  My heart-rate is beginning to get back to normal, and I no longer need to remind myself to breath.  You must see this film!  It consists mostly of original footage, including dialog, and it sucks you in to the point where you feel like you are the fourth person in the capsule,  responsible for keeping everybody alive!  If this is a documentary, and doesn’t win the Best Oscar (as Linda was wont to say), then there is something truly rotten in Hollywood.

Here are some things I particularly noticed:

Mission Control then consisted of about 100 guys – no women visible – each of whom sat in front of a device monitoring – something.  At the proper time they would say “XXX is a go”, or words to that effect.  There even was a shot of a guy typing a report, on a mechanical typewriter! Every one of these people wore a short-sleeved white shirt and a necktie.  Nowadays Mission Control would consist of a half-dozen guys in jeans and  T shirts, sitting in front of a like number of very expensive computers.  Some of those folks might be female.  Probably some venerable scientist with a grim face – I visualize my old mineralogy professor – would be there to supervise.  Meanwhile, every politician on the make would be poised outside, speech in hand.  Not to mention the TV crews.

What happened to the Eagle?  Is it still in orbit around the Moon?  Did it crash into the Moon’s surface to make a tiny impact crater?  Or is it traipsing through the solar system, on its way to Ultima Thule?\

‘Nuff wasted words.  Go see it for yourself.

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