A cute little girl
A long time ago
Yesterday I
spent several hours sitting on a park bench in Zuanich Point Park, experiencing beautiful sunshine and views – but still filled up with sour, gloomy thoughts and pessimistic speculations. To boil it all down the
way my Beaumont family would have done, it just seems like the world is going to
Hell in a handbasket. Fast. You know what mean.
And then a
marvelous thing occurred.
A little girl,
all dressed up, rode by on what obviously was a new bike – and flashed me a big
smile. Her smile clearly meant that
she was proud of herself and her new toy, happy to see me look up and, startled, smile
back – and that she was simply filled with joy. Poof! went all my black and ugly thoughts. Poof! They'll come back, but for the moment - Poof!
are the parents of that beautiful little girl. Lucky is society that such innocence and goodness still exist in the world. –
and lucky was I to be so thoroughly booted out of my foul mood. Thank you , little girl.
Maybe there’s
hope for us, after all.
That is so lovely! I congratulate you for being able to recognize and receive that gift of a smile and allow it to change your mood. Those pure moments are all around us if we sit still, calm our thoughts, and keep open our eyes.