Did you ever
wonder why it was so hard for the geological community of the early and middle
parts of the 19th century to accept the concept of continental
drift? Probably not, but now’s your chance. After all, Wegener, du Toit and others had presented
a varied body of evidence that it HAD occurred which, nowadays, appears totally
conclusive. So, why did so many
prominent geologists disagree?
Well, human
cussedness obviously played a part. If
you grew up instinctively harboring fixist ideas, and those ideas had served you
well throughout your career, damned if you were going to let a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies turn everything upside
However, if
you rejected drift you needed some scientific argument to back you up. And such, you thought, existed – from the
field of seismology! Continental drift
couldn’t be true because it was impossible!
drifters had at best a bunch of crude ideas about HOW drift occurred, and all
of them required some degree of mobility in, at least. the upper mantle. Nay-sayers could point to seismic evidence
that indicated that the mantle, far from being the least bit soupy, was more
rigid than steel! Hence, no drift. It was all an illusion. Here is how that works.
transpires that some physical properties of the interior of the earth can be
deduced by what happens to earthquake waves as they pass along their paths. In particular, how rigid a material happens
to be is reflected in how rapidly the energy contained in a seismic wave is
dissipated – converted to heat. Precise
seismic measurements showed conclusively that the mantle was extremely
rigid. Voila! The mantle had the properties of hard, cold
steel – and continental drift, Q.E.D, was out of the question.
Well, S.
Warren Carey blew that particular ship out of the water with an important paper
that nobody reads any more:
Carey, S. W., 1953, The
rheid concept in geotectonics, , Journal of the Geological Society of Australia,
Volume 1, Issues 1, 2.
In this
paper, the old Tasmanian Devil points out the fact – that should have been obvious –
that the response of a material to an applied force depends in large part on for
how long the force is applied. Look at the
model at the top of the page. If a force
is applied for only an instant, the
spring will show significant (elastic) displacement but the piston will not
have time to respond very much. Hence the material will appear to be totally elastic. However,
apply the force for a geological significant time and the “dashpot” (think a
cylinder filled with goop) will deform so much that the elastic contribution
can be totally ignored. In other words, on
a tectonic time scale, the mantle behaves very much like a soupy, viscous fluid! Among other things, this makes thermal convection not only possible, but likely.
If you have
trouble with this concept, try a thought experiment. Mentally strap on your crampons, grab an ice ax, and
find a nice steep glacier to climb. On
the time scale of your ascent you can treat the glacial ice as a fine,
trustworthy solid – even though, as a good geologist, you know that, on a time
scale of weeks or even days, it is flowing steadily downhill!
In the first sentence that should be 20th century, of course. In the 19th century they were still wrestling with concepts like uniformatarianism and superposition.