Friday, December 3, 2021


                               Note in particular, pestilence

Pestilence, I believe, is one of the Four Horsemen if the Apocalypse.  Then, again, most religious depictions of the end of the world (actually, the end of we human vermin that inhabit it) invoke fire, sword, brimstone, etc.; combat, in other words.  On the other hand, history and paleontology provide many examples of one species suffering exterminated by another.  For instance, we Homo sapiens exterminated the passenger pigeon and nearly did in the buffalo in just a couple of centuries.  There are hundrads of similar examples, if you care to look for them.

So, with tongue only partly in cheek, I sometimes wonder:  did Providence send the corona virus to erase humanity and allow some other species – crows, for instance – to inherit the earth?  Due in large part to stupidity and endemic human cussedness, at this point in time we are barely holding our own against the corona virus, our enemy of the moment.  Covid seems to toss up mutations with dreadful abandon; what if it tosses up a variant that spreads easily, is deadly, and is proof against our vaccines.  Is this impossible?  I don’t think so.

Maybe, then, we ought to get our collective asses in gear and exterminate this bugger, before it does the same to us.  We know how to do it, but will we?  I’m honestly skeptical.

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