Saturday, March 26, 2022

GOLDIEN OLDIE 42: Erin Brockovitch


Well, after several evenings of enjoying light-hearted bits of fluff, I decided to get serious – and dialed up Erin Brockovitch as my next Golden Oldie.  I was only a little disappointed. 

As you almost certainly know, this was Julia Robert’s movie, almost entirely.  She portrays a poorly educated unmarried mother of three with unlimited chutzpah, boundless self-confidence, and great legs.  Viewing her performance here reminded me of something I once wrote about Steve Jobs.  To paraphrase:  I am glad there are Erin Brockovichs in the world, and I thank God I was never married to one!

So, Erin takes on the perfect foil:  PG&E, a faceless corporation widely despised for, amongst other sins, starting forest fires.  One notes with pleasure that their stock has halved in value in the past several years, and nobody is predicting it to rise.  Apparently a division of PG&E managed to poison the drinking water of a small California desert town, with all sorts of hideous consequences.  It seems that the story told here is based on historical fact, at least in part.

Two supporting actors, Albert Finney and Aaron Eckhart, do a commendable job.  But, as I said earlier, Roberts is nearly the whole show.  And, with her short skirts and high-heels, she is quite some story!

So, most of this flic is a deep downer, but it is rescued to some extent by an upbeat ending.  If you hate all faceless corporations – I have my Michigan relatives in mind – you may derive great satisfaction out of Erin Brockovitch; otherwise, like me, you will turn with relief back to harmless bits of cinematic fluff.  C+

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