Thursday, May 26, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 62: Greenfingers


Okay, no beating around the bush:  this is a seriously good movie, about men,  flowers and such, a healing potion for the lacerated soul.  It concerns men incarcerated within the British penal system who become prize-winning gardeners.  Yes, there is a little sex in it, and excessive smoking, but by and large this is a movie you could enjoy with your grandmother.  The star, Clive Owen, is great; too bad he seems to have given up thr silver screen for a career on the stage.  There is a rumor that he was to be the next James Bond, but declined the honor.  Helen Mirren is the best known of the cast; she is excellent, but has a limited role.  The supporting cast is fine – and the flowers are beautiful.  Imagine!  A movie with no blood and a body count of zero!  Like I said; good for the soul.

I end this review with two observations.  First, the critics didn’t much like this movie, whereas we unwashed plebeians did; another reason not to listen to the critics.  (After all, they even liked Sideways, which any right-minded person would detest.)  And second, the real stand-out characterization in Greenfinger is David Kelly, as Fergus.  He brought tears to my eyes.  So, yes. This is an excellent movie.  Free on Amazon Prime at the moment.  An emphatic  A

1 comment:

  1. I should have done more background research. It turns out that David Kelly also starred in Eaking Bed Devine. He was Michael O'Sullivan - you know, the naked skinny old guy on the motorcycle. He was a fine actor. He died a few years ago, aged 82
