Tuesday, July 19, 2022



If you attended Nick Zentner’s lecture as recommended in my last blog entry you will know that Palouse Falls is another feature carved into Miocene bedrock by the sudden release of ponded glacial meltwater about 15,000 years ago.  When Carolyn and I visited, it was difficult to think of anything glacial, the temperature was well over 100 degrees in the shade – with damned little shade to be had.

Palouse Falls State Park is a small, isolated place not on the road to anywhere.  The view is spectacular, but there is little else to do there.  There used to be some hiking, but the State now deems it unsafe and has closed the trails.  The little camp ground is nice and would probably greatly appeal to anyone who had tired of humanity.

All in all, Palouse Falls is a handsome, lonely sort of place.  I am glad that such places continue to exist.

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