Saturday, September 17, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 82:Invictus

So, who would you choose for the title of “greatest man of the 20th century”? The contenders seem to be Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Franklin Roosevelt, and Nelson Mandela. My personal choice is Churchill; after all, he basically saved the world from fascism. However, a surprising number of lists place Mandela at the top. A very great man he certainly was. Here is a fine movie that partly illustrates how great he was. The star, of course, is Morgan Freeman; certainly one of the best male actors still on the stage. His white protagonist is depicted by Matt Damon as a brawny Rugby star; he is excellent. The rugby scenes make me happy I turned out to be a 98 lb weakling, but they are entertaining and properly bloody. The music and many of the incidents make you root for South Africa. Too bad, post Mandela, it has turned out so much less than perfect. But, what the heck, Invictus is a darned good movie, one which you should soon re-visit. A-

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