Friday, January 19, 2018


Amazing what you stumble over skimming the NCI (National Cancer Institute) bulletin.  The latest

has all sorts of meaty discussions of Western science as applied to disease, especially cancer. 

However, it also has a brief but enlightening description of acupuncture.  I found it very engrossing.
I always have regarded acupuncture as one part voodoo, one part faith-healing, with an unknown amount of medical mystery stirred in.  All I knew was that in acupuncture they jabbed you with needles to make you feel better.  Boy, was I wrong!

I still have trouble with the concept that there exist within us channels (called  meridians), along which our vital energies (Qi) flows.  The proper distribution of female (yin) and male (yang) attributes (?) is necessary for the efficient functioning of the body.  Acupuncture – far more than just needles – is used to correct imbalances in yin and yang.

I am still skeptical, but a bit intrigued.  I doubt if I will go to an acupuncturist any time soon.  I need to see a picture of a meridian, or a functional Qi meter.  But I’m curious.

Here is the article: (Well, hell, I'll have to put it in a Comment.)

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link
