Tuesday, June 19, 2018


An atrocity

Okay, enough is enough!

There are plenty of things political, social, even philosophical, that we can legitimately disagree on.  Immigration policy.  Taxes.  Tariffs..  Disarmament.  Even the usefulness of a stupid border wall.  But there can be no disagreement where wanton cruelty is concerned.  It is wrong, always, even if perpetrated with the best of intentions.  Wanton cruelty directed against innocent children is even worse; it is an unimaginable, unforgivable sin.  As a great grandfather, the thought of deliberate cruelty directed against toddlers fills me with  boiling anger (can you tell?) and disgust.

The Trump administration’s policy of separating  children from their parents is immoral, provokes contempt for America around the world – and, ultimately, will prove ineffective.  America's status as a just, humanitarian society will be in tatters because of it,  for decades. .... (I have sat here for ten minutes trying to think of a rousing climactic-sentence for this paragraph that is neither libelous nor profane.  I can't.  Supply your own.).  

I searched Dante’ Inferno this morning to find the proper Circle of Hell for Donald Trump.  I couldn’t find one.  So, how about I propose a Tenth Circle, to be the final “resting” place of persons  given over to pointless, wanton  cruelty, compounded by groundless egotism, and seasoned with a dash of stupidity?  If you belong there even the Pope couldn’t  get you off.  Not that he’d want to.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree. Trump is amoral, this new policy is immoral.
