Friday, June 1, 2018


Our friends

Yin and yang.  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  No good deed goes unpunished.  You can’t win for losing.

Folk sayings and philosophies have forever warned that what may appear to be unalloyed good inevitably conceals at least a little evil.  The blooming rose shelters the stinging insect.  Gun control fosters unemployment in the munitions industry.  And so it goes.

Enough of this crap.  The Economist presents an article it might amuse you to read:

One of the major fast-encroaching problems of modern life is the proliferation of plastic waste.  Huge swatches of open ocean are littered with floating plastic garbage.  On personal observation, there are beaches in untouristed northern Greek islands so thick with plastic litter that you must resort to kicking the stuff aside to create space to spread your towel.  The desert sands between the pyramids are mantled by several centimeters of crushed plastic water bottles. 

And so it goes.  If we don’t act soon we will find ourselves smothering in the stuff.  Well, out of Stanford comes a glimmering of hope.

It turns out that the gut bacteria of the mealworm – the larval stage of an ugly black beetle, Tenebrio molitor, probably the stink bug of your youth – have a thing for various plastics.  They eat the stuff, and at a not-inconsiderable rate.  So maybe the solution to the plastics problem is to create huge mounds of unwanted plastic, add tons of stinkbugs, and let nature take its course.  Disgusting, maybe, but still rather neat, don’t you think?

But, inevitable, there is a bee in the blossom.  

Consider metabolism in general.  When creatures eat stuff they convert part of it to growth, energy, etc., but there always is some residual material that must be disposed of.  And what does the mealworm excrete upon digesting plastic?  Why, carbon dioxide, of course.  So, combat the plastic scourge – and contribute to global warming.

You just can’t win for losing.

As an aside, did you know that people actually EAT mealworms?  They are said to be best roasted or pan fried but, and I can hardly believe this, some people actually eat them raw, and alive!

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