Monday, May 6, 2019


Finnegan, don't eat that deer poop!

I guess I was wrong about Monsanto; Roundup really is a carcinogen.  At least, so say the courts.  If scientific studies agree, I am unaware.

The link provided below will take you to an amusing, and somewhat horrifying, story of Monsanto, Roundup, and class-action lawsuits.  In my view there are entirely too many legal eagles out there, hustling for a buck.  I have led a relatively calm and nose-clean life, but I get solemn recruiting letters from class-action law firms all the time.  In general they promise me a financial reward if “I used product (or service) X sometime in the past”.  They never ask if, having used X, I suffered any harm or discomfort.  My suspicion always has been that, if I were to join, and we won, I would end up with a pack of chewing gum, while the lawyers enjoyed their Lamborghinis.   This link confirms my prejudices. 

1 comment:

  1. Got to take it back-Roundup contains glyphosate, which is a known carcinogen.
