Friday, January 21, 2022

Golden Oldie 21: Casablanca


Well, hell!  Even Casablanca isn’t Casablanca anymore!

For years I have been using Casablanca as an upper asymptote for movie quality – a standard that might be approached, but never exceeded.  Then last night I watched it again, and I was disappointed.  Without question it is a towering work of real cinema art.  Bogart, as Rick, is the epitome of cool; nobody ever lit a cigarette with nearly so much style!  Bergman, as the always misty eyed, tragic heroine, is simply stunning; she puts me in mind of a girl from my high school who I always wanted to ask for a date, but lacked the courage.  Every other  player in the movie ranges from good to outstanding.  The backdrop is stunning.  And, for heaven’s sake – who among you, watching the scene where La Marseillaise drowns out De Wacht am Rhein doesn’t feel compelled to stand up and punch some  Nazi bastard in the snoot?

Many lines from Casablanca will live forever:  Play it Sam.  Play it again; Here’s looking at you, babe; We’ll always have Paris; Of all the gin joints in all the world, why did she have to walk into mine?; Round up the usual suspects; Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  Hell, I would not be surprised if there is a large bunch of movie nuts who can recite the whole stinking movie with their eyes shut.

And so, obviously, Casablanca is a wonderful movie, and yet….  Last night I didn’t feel it.  Maybe I expected too much.  Maybe I’ve seen it too often.  But, anyway, Casablanca is hereby officially degraded to.     A

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