Sunday, January 30, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 25: Cast Away


When Linda and I first saw this movie, I liked it a lot but she didn’t.  On second viewing, she probably was right.  After all, what can you say about a movie in which the lead male supporting actor is a soccer ball?

For those of you who missed it, the story line is simple.  Tom Hanks is a busy FedX honcho with an appealing girlfriend (Helen Hunt).  Hanks goes down in a plane crash, horrifically depicted, then learns to survive on an uninhabited south sea atoll – where he remains for 4+ years.  Miraculously rescued, he returns to civilization to find his girlfriend married to another,  and a mother to boot.  Suitable sadness ensues – and the last scenes give reason to hope.

Well, Hanks is excellent, as usual.  Hunt’s role is small, but she carries it off well.  I was interested in the scenes showing Hanks learning to survive in a totally wild setting with only a flashlight and a pocket watch for assistance.  Linda thought that section of the film was overlong and overdone, and I now tend to agree.  Also, there is some unnecessary pathos tossed in, which should have been discarded.  So, this film costs $3.99 on Amazon Prime, and probably is about worth it.  B-

In passing, I learned the sad fact that Helen Hunt is out of the movie business because some rare disorder has left her stone deaf!  Too bad; I liked her a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the movie review Myrl! I used to go to a lot of movies but stopped going during the pandemic as our local theaters have been packed. I haven't seen Cast Away but it sounds like a good one to see. I'm thinking of you. Nora
