Monday, February 7, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 29: Notting Hill


Okay, so what’s not to like?  Two appealing leads, a cute if preposterous plot, excellent supporting actors, good backdrop – pretty darned rewarding if you ask me.  The concept of a big movie star (Julia Roberts) falling for  a dweeb shop keeper (Hugh Grant), to the point of actually seeking him out to declare her love does severely test the imagination.  But, so what:  suspend disbelief and have fun with a feel-good fairy tale.

Notting Hill came out in 1999.  The critics didn’t hate it, wonder of wonders.  It is set in an interesting section of London, so the many scenes of Grant plodding along outdoors, jacket over shoulder, are attractive.  Rhys Ifans is his usual comic self.  After Charlie Wilson’s War it was nice to see Roberts in a respectable role.  B.

And, yes – now back to my Tom Hanks marathon.


  1. I don’t know what it is about Hugh Grant. I have enjoyed nearly every movie he has been involved in – especially Sense and Sensibility, which I will review one of trhese days – but somehow I simply cannot remember his name! Often when I first wake up I test my mental acuity by trying to recall names of prominent people. Usually I can get most of them – but never Grant, I also have difficulty with his Sense and Sensibility co-star, Emma Thompson. However, her I often get, after a struggle - but never Grant. I wonder why.

  2. By golly, I have a helpful mnemonic. His first name is the same as my fourth great grandson - and after that it is easy, I grant you.
