Well, I
guess I am just a sucker for good love stories.
In particular, I like them when they are set in the English countryside
of two centuries ago, and are portrayed by fine actors. Sense
and Sensibility fits this bill in all these respects, and probably lots of
others I haven’t even thought of yet.
Get the picture? This is one of
my favorite movies of all time. It was
released in 1995, directed by the well regarded Ang Lee. It starred Emma Thompson (great), Hugh Grant
(pretty much likewise), Kate Winslet (pretty darned good, if a bit over-weepy),
and a truly magnificent Alan Rickman* as Colonel Brandon. The supporting staff is excellent, the music
fine, and the plot – well, hell, it was concocted by everyone’s favorite
English writer, Jane Austin. The critics
liked it, and it won a slew of awards, including an Oscar for best writing. So what more can I say? A.
died of cancer at age 69. He was great
in the Harry Potter movies, and
elsewhere. I wish he were still around.
Love, Actually is a favorite. Always think about that movie and Alan Rickman when I'm in London.