After two
mild romantic offerings, last night I
endeavored to shift gears and dive intoi something more, well, masculine.
By that I mean a film with a full load of action, violence – with, let’s face it – ample
blood and guts. However, half way
through Roadhouse, which offers an
abundance of the aforesaid and a good look at a skinny Patrick Swaze, I turned
off the iPad. Overkill, I guess.
So instead I
watched another happy little love-comedy, staring Jennifer Lopez (good) and
Mathew McConaughey (excellent – would be one of my top male actor choices if
his name were easier to spell). The plot
is harmless, predictable, and funny; the supporting act-persons are all up to
snuff – and not a drop of blood is shed, nor a serious punch thrown. Enjoy it while you can; I feel the need to
watch something horrific tonight. How
about Full Metal Jacket?.