Tuesday, June 21, 2022

"GOLDEN" OLDIES 69: Apocalypse Now


Several days ago, in recognition of ongoing obscenities in the Ukraine, I concocted the cockamamie idea of reviewing Golden Oldies about our recent wars.  I had in mind Saving Private Ryan, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, and maybe a few others.  In accordance with the alphabet I began with this one.  Wow!  What a mistake!

Apocalypse Now was released in 1979 and directed by the famous Francis Ford Coppola.  It featured an entire murders row of name actors, including Marlon Brando in the clean-up role.  It won a bunch of awards back then.  I remember that I didn’t like it very much the first time through.  Last night I liked it even less.  In fact, it pissed me off big-time.  If there was supposed to be an overall plot, it utterly escaped me.  Actually, it seemed to me to be nothing more than a series of unrelated events, concocted by someone under the influence of LSD!  Brando hardly figured in it at all.

Avoid it at all cost.  C

I’m going to see what Roger Ebert thought of it.  I’ll bet he thought it was the cat’s meow.


1 comment:

  1. Yup, Roger loved it. Me? Made me happy I never went to Cambodia.
