Sunday, June 26, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 71: A Good Year

As I am sure, by now you know that my favorite male actor, by a wide margin, is Russell Crowe.  It seems that he can portray anything: a terrifying warrior, a sympathetic (but still dangerous) sea captain, a conscious-stricken corporate dweeb, an honest cop, even a schizophrenic whiz-bang mathematician – and successfully “inhabit” the role, as film critics are wont to say.  Now, in this modest little effort, he shows us he can be a romantic, as well.  What a guy!

The movie is largely set in the wine country of France, with brief glimpses of London.  Crowe is a hard bitten stock jockey who finds love and the true meaning of life in the vineyards of Provence.  The movie was released in 2006 and directed by the celebrated Ridley Scott.  Co-star Albert Finney is excellent, as are the various female support staff, especially principal love interest, Marion Cotillard. 

This Golden Oldie is highly recommended for lovers of wine, pastoral scenery, and, of course, Russell Crowe.


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