Saturday, August 27, 2022

GOLDEN OLDIE 76: The China Syndrome


Having recently grumbled about the bleak future of nuclear power, last night I watched a 1979 movie that encapsulates many of the obvious problems.

The China Syndrome is a fairly entertaining flic: your chance to see Michael Douglas as a kid, Jane Fonda before she became Hanoi Jane and Mrs. Ted Turner, Jack Lemon at his mature best, and Wilford Brimley as – well, as he always is – steady and reliable.  It illustrates what is dangerous about nuclear power – people, and the profit motive.  So, nuts:  enjoy the movie and say goodbye to a nearly inexhaustible source of clean energy.

A question:  where WILL California get the juice to run all those electric cars?  Start buying solar stock, and learn to love those bird-killing windmills!

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