Monday, April 25, 2022



Do you know what a Rube Goldberg is?  If you are old enough you surely do, if not, Google it.

Sometimes it seems as though our bodies are biological Rube Goldbergs.   The article below describes a new wrinkle in treating ovarian cancer.  As I see it, the following concepts are involved:

1)     The body has a first line of defense; the immune system.

2)     In order to keep the immune system in check, our cells carry with them protection, in the form of “immune inhibitors”

3)     Some forms of cancer have somehow evolved to protect themselves from the immune system by displaying their own species of inhibitors.  OVCA is one such.

4)     So-called “immune inhibitors” can be used to break down these defensive barriers – but not in OVCA, apparently.

5)     This new research announces the identification of an enzyme that is responsible for this bit of defense work. So….

It seems to follow that, by “inhibiting” the enzyme it would be possible to defeat the tumors protective armor, and kill the damned thing!

Nobody ever said that cancer biology is straightforward, nor in the least bit simple!  

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