This posting
ideally should be read to the accompaniment of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.
Three years
ago I personally prepared my income tax for what proved to be the last
time. As I had done for over 60 years, I
did it with a pencil, paper and a simple calculator. As usual, I briefly scanned the IRS
literature for important changes, then slammed the thing together, using the
previous year’s effort as a guide. I
vaguely remember saying to myself, “You’re getting too old for this nonsense.” I vowed at the time to go to a pro the next
year, which I did. I went to Scott
Nissen & Associates, here in Bellingham, who now does my income tax for me,
with exemplary efficiency and modest cost.
Well, about
a year ago I received a love letter from the IRS, informing me that I had
screwed up my 2018 return (the last one I did myself), and consequently owed
them $7,269 -- on which they were
gleefully charging interest!
Well, hell,
what to do? Obviously, get Scott
involved. So, I dumped the whole sorry
mess in his lap.
workers that Nissen & Associates appear to be, within six months or so I
got another missive from Uncle Sam, informing me that I only owed them about
$3,250 - on which they were still charging interest, of course. I thought I should just pay, to get them off
my back – but Scott said “no”.
As well he
might! Yesterday I received another
slender envelope from Washington. It
informed me that they actually owed me a
refund of a few tens of bucks!
Thank you,
Scott. Do you think I could charge them
a little interest?
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