Well, hell,
another $3.99 wasted!
Last night,
cruising Amazon Prime for movies to “review” I stumbled on Best of Show. I saw it when
it first came out, in 2000, and I remember thinking it was hilarious. You’ve probably seen it: it is a non-stop send up of dogs, dog owners,
and dog shows in general. It aims at
comedy. In 2000, when I was a lad of 67,
I thought it was really funny. Now, with
greater “maturity”, I admit that it deserves a few laughs – but, mainly, it
comes across as mean-spirited.
As I see it,
comedy comes in several flavors. The
best kind invokes laughter at situations, incidents, and things. I now find that I regard comedy based on
ridiculing people as distinctly distasteful. Of course, that’s just me. Anyway, I set the flic aside before the dog
show hijinks, which I remember as being the best part. So, I cannot recommend this movie. D+
Of course,
if you love dogs and don’t mind watching them made fools of, dig in.
Spent 3 years with a woman that did the "Dog Show" circuit. I ended up showing my Whippet for another 2 years... This movies leaves do not fall far from the real tree.